- Ability to
administer the federal AHEC programserve as the incorporated Consortium of allopathic and osteopathic medical schools in Virginia as required by federal statute to qualify for the receipt of Area Health Education Center funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration Area Health Education Centers programs, legislatively mandated under the Public Health Service Act as amended, Title VII, Section 751, and (42 U.S.C. 294a); and to administer federal, state and local programs as needed to carry out its public purpose and objectives. - Ability to monitor, collect and track data pertaining to health care delivery, training and education from Virginia educational institutions and other entities as needed to carry out its public purpose and objectives where such data efforts do not already exist
in order. - Responsibility to submit a biennial report to the
CommissionerState Board of Health, Commissioner of Health, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Commerce and Trade, Governor, Joint Commission on Health Care and General Assemblyannuallyon its activities and recommendations. In any reporting period where state general funds are appropriated to the Authority, the report shall include a detailed summary of how state general funds were expended.
- Ability to apply for and accept Federal, State and local (public and private) grants, loans, appropriations and donations to carry out its public purpose and objectives.
- Ability to hire and compensate staff, including an Executive Director
- Ability to rent, lease, buy, own, acquire and dispose of property, real or personal
- Ability to participate in joint ventures, including to make contracts and other agreements, with public and private entities to carry out its public purpose and objectives
- Ability to assess policies, engage in policy development and make policy recommendations
- Ability to make bylaws for the management and regulation of its affairs
- Exemption from taxes and assessments
- Exemption from Personnel Act, Workforce Transition Act, Administrative Process Act, Public Procurement Act and VITA.
Please use the comment section to provide us with feedback...do these recommendations provide us with the type of powers needed to efficiently and effectively accomplish the mission and objectives of the authority? Are there some things missing? Do you have any recommendations for additions or edits?
"Assure" isn't the power the authority will have. It's administer, monitor, hire, etc. I would suggest removing "assure" and begin each power with the verb that describes what it will do.
ReplyDeleteFor bullet #1 (not numbered) regarding AHEC I think the language should be something akin to the following which closely follows the HRSA grant guidance for the AHEC Program: “The Authority serves as the incorporated Consortium of allopathic and osteopathic medical schools in Virginia as required by federal statute to qualify for the receipt of Area Health Education Center funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration.”
ReplyDeleteHere is the official grant guidance from HRSA for your information:
The Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) program consists of the Basic/Core Area Health Education Centers (BAHEC) and the Model State Supported Area Health Education Centers (MAHEC). Each AHEC program awardee must contract with its AHEC centers to coordinate training in a specific geographic area. This program concept represents an organized system of educational incentives to be used by academic and community-based health science center leaders. The eligible applicant must be a public or private nonprofit accredited school of medicine, either osteopathic (DO) or allopathic (MD), or incorporated consortia made up of such schools or the parent institution(s) of such schools. With respect to States in which no AHEC program exists, a school of nursing is eligible to apply.
I would recommend adding Joint Commission on Health Care to the list: "Responsibility to submit a report to the Commissioner of Health, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Governor and General Assembly"
ReplyDeleteDo we want to be opted out of VITA?
ReplyDeleteBullet 3 - report should go to relevant educational entities (e.g., SHEV, DOE).
ReplyDeleteThanks...Denise Konrad
I do have a suggestion for possible modification re the following in the Powers and Duties. It would seem that this particular one as currently written may raise potential conflicts or confusion regarding roles of different entities that monitor, collect, and track data. I am not wed to the exact wording but rather the concept of collaboration so that if another entity already monitors and collects and/or tracks some of the data the duplication or conflict of effort would be avoided.
ReplyDelete3rd bullet – would not recommend an annual report as this takes up lots of time and energy – would prefer something like a biannual report – are things really going to change that much on an annual basis?