Sunday, October 25, 2009

Draft Recommendation - Statement of Public Purpose (Mission)

To facilitate the development of a statewide health professions pipeline that identifies, educates, recruits and retains a diverse, appropriately geographically distributed and culturally-competent quality workforce. 

 Edits made as a result of public comments posted on this blog are in blue.

Please use the comment section to provide us with feedback...does this statement of public purpose (mission) accurately reflect the scope of what we want accomplished through the development of an Authority structure?  Is there anything missing?  Do you have recommendations for something better?


  1. Under the Statement of Public Purpose section I would add the phrases “quality” and “appropriately geographically distributed” to the statement. So my proposed revised statement is: “To facilitate the development of a statewide health professions pipeline that identifies, educates, recruits and retains a quality, diverse, appropriately geographically distributed and culturally-competent workforce.” I realize that “quality” is used in the Vision Statement already but I don’t think that it can be emphasized enough and “appropriately geographically distributed” is important because we may have a numerically sufficient workforce but if all the health professionals are clustered in Richmond and Norfolk we won’t have met our Vision Statement goal.

  2. Kathy - Is the consensus still that "pipeline" includes middle/high school students all the way through? Since I am still learning this part of the healthcare world, I am not sure if "pipeline" typically refers to the broad age spectrum?

    Thanks...Denise Konrad

  3. Under the section mission is accomplished by – Item 1 – I am not sure what this means. Item 2 – what about funding for the AHEC – no use having a comprehensive advisory structure for the program as it currently stands since its funding has been so decimated.


Please give us your feedback!